Dupuytren's contracture
If you have :
- a firm lump in your palm
- difficulties to straighten the fingers completely (mainly 4-5th)
you may have a Dupuytren’s contracture.
The condition causes knots and thick cord of tissue beneath the skin of the palm. The finger may be retracted into a bent position with difficulties to straighten. The cause is unknown, but it often runs in families. The evolution is usually slow over months or years. The contracture is usually not painful and may affect both hands. It is a benign condition and there is no need for treatment as long as it is possible to place the hand flat on the table.
There is no cure and surgery can usually make bent fingers straighter, but not always fully straight.
It can be either done by a needle-release of the thick cord, or by open surgery (removal of the entire cord). With time, contracture may reappear in operated fingers or in other areas of the hand.
For more information
Dupuytren’s contracture
If you have :
- a firm lump in your palm
- difficulties to straighten the fingers completely (mainly 4-5th)
you may have a Dupuytren’s contracture.
The condition causes knots and thick cord of tissue beneath the skin of the palm. The finger may be retracted into a bent position with difficulties to straighten. The cause is unknown, but it often runs in families. The evolution is usually slow over months or years. The contracture is usually not painful and may affect both hands. It is a benign condition and there is no need for treatment as long as it is possible to place the hand flap on the table.
There is no cure and surgery can usually make bent fingers straighter, but not always fully straight.
It can be either done by a needle-release of the thick cord, or by open surgery (removal of the entire cord). With time, contracture may reappear in operated fingers or in other areas of the hand.
For more information