Trigger finger
If your finger:
- clicks or locks as it bent towards the palm
- bends or straightens with a snap (like a trigger being pulled and released)
you might have a trigger finger.
Each flexor tendon is surrounded by a protective sheath. Trigger finger occurs when the tendon sheath becomes inflamed (thicker), which interferes with the normal gliding motion of the tendon through the sheath. There is usually no specific cause.
Trigger finger may be a complication associated with surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome surgery (6 months after surgery).
Treatment varies depending on its severity and duration.
Steroid injection is successful and sufficient in 50% of patients. In long-standing inflammation, recurrence is the main risk.
Surgery is performed through a small incision in the palm, under local anesthesia. After protecting the digital nerves, the surgeon opens the constricted tendon sheath.
The scar may be red and tender for several weeks.
For more information
Trigger finger
If your finger:
- clicks or locks as it bent towards the palm
- bends or straightens with a snap (like a trigger being pulled and released)
you might have a trigger finger.
Each flexor tendon is surrounded by a protective sheath. Trigger finger occurs when the tendon sheath becomes inflamed, which interferes with the normal gliding motion of the tendon through the sheath. There is no specific cause.
Trigger finger may be a complication associated with surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome surgery (6 months after surgery).
The condition not harmful. Treatment varies depending on its severity and duration.
Steroid injection is successful in 50%. In case of recurrence, a second injection may be necessary.
Surgery is performed through a small incision in the palm, under local anesthesia. After protecting the digital nerves, the surgeon opens the constricted tendon sheath.
The scan may be red and tender for several weeks.
For more information